Music Therapy Design

Monday 18 April 2011

"Music Therapy Design is to act as an exploration of the field of music therapy with an eye on developing useful instruments and technologies supplying the patient with the tools that can best allow them to express themselves and practitioner with those the needs to administer care."

The mission statement of this blog represents an approach to developing instrumental and design solutions in the Music Therapy field. I am currently studying Music Technology in the University of Limerick and researching the field of music technology to get a picture of how I may apply the music technologist skill-set in researching and developing the ways to bridge the gap between patient and therapist allowing for a greater range of expression from the patient. 

My first port of call is looking into the development of a one handed guitar offering stroke victims and others who have suffered a paralysis the capacity to continue their relationship with the beloved instrument.

Preliminary research looks promising and I am currently assembling a thesis proposal in order to fully realise this project.

Oh, and Hi, my name is Stephen ! 

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Entry by Stephen

Comments - 2

Since Monday 18 April 2011

Blogger moviedoc  
18 April 2011 at 14:47
Great project, Stephen. I suspect you'll need two designs, one for loss of use of each side. But many, esp. wind, instruments can be played one-handed, even no-handed (harmonica, bugle?), why not just learn a new one?

Best of luck!
Blogger Stephen  
19 April 2011 at 08:56
Thanks very much, I was asked to take a look at developing the guitar for those who due to illness have the use of only one hand but were avid guitar players in the past. It can be hard on a person in that positions to be deprived of a skill that may have been core to their identity in the past.
I've also an interest in exploring the use of rhythm to promote connecting elements of the brain which may be disrupted in children with autism
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April 2011

Mission Statement

"Music Therapy Design is to act as an exploration in the field of music therapy with an eye to developing useful instruments and technologies, supplying the patient with the tools best allowing for expression and enabling practitioners to further administer care."


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